Sell Your Boat

consider saving loads of time and money, by taking ONE page on here and then linking through to it.....

This web site offers you a somewhat different approach to the problem of selling your boat. It would be stupid of me to say that you have reached the very place to advertise your boat for sale, you have not. BUT what I can offer you is the option to have a nice looking page with up to 20 pictures on it which you can then link to from your adverts on say e-bay or gumtree or exchange and mart etc.

You page will stay live on this site for 12 months and is written for you for just £20. You get your own unique URL with your boat named on it, so something like which you can then insert is any SMALL (cheap) adverts you might place elsewhere. 

Also a lot of FREE places to advertise offer you an advert for a short period, say one month. By having a page on here your renewal becomes so much more simple. Keep a copy of your advert text on your PC including the link to your page on here, then all you do is paste it in, no need to keep uploading pictures etc. 

Consider how your "cheap" advert can be so much "Bigger"

Say you take an advert in Waterways World, it is an expensive place to advertise! But it works!! SO take a Classified Advert and say something like. 58' Narrowboat £25,000 see  and suddenly your cheap small advert is saying a whole lot more!