Write your page now 2
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This web site will help you sell your boat.
You can create your own page on this domain and then use that URL in other adverts. Your URL will remain on our server for ONE YEAR
The charge for writing this page, with up to 20 pictures is ONLY £20
You will then be directed to various web sites where you can advertise your boat, both for free and for a fee, and by adding your own URL to the advert tell people far more about your boat than a simple small advert will ever do.
You send us the words and up to 20 pictures, we write your page and then suggest places to advertise your boat for sale where adding our URL will cost you little or nothing over the cost of a normal advert.
You might like to write your boat description (max 2,500 words) off line first.
Thanks for using this web site
Why not visit our sister sites. The boatshare.co.uk web site is the leading web site in England for selling shares in private and managed narrow boats in the UK and also Barges based in France.
Our boatrent.co.uk web site is there to help you find a boat that, just maybe, you could live on for a while.